PDF to TSV Converter

PDF to TSV converter online for free.

How to Convert PDF to TSV?

Converting PDFs containing tabular data to TSV format can allow further analysis, editing, and processing in other programs. This tool offers a quick way to extract tables from PDF pages and save them in a format where tabs instead of commas separate columns.

The structured text data remains in its semantic form, suitable for transforming into spreadsheets or inserting into databases for additional computations.

Users benefit from quickly translating PDF information to other apps for customized use through an intuitive interface.

How to Convert PDF to TSV?

Here are the step-by-step instructions for converting PDF to TSV using this tool:

Step 1: Open Your PDF

Step 2: Select the Table

Step 3: Preview Selection

Step 4: Initiate Conversion

Step 5: Access New TSV File

Step 6: Import into Other Apps

Why Convert PDF to TSV?

Here are some key reasons why someone may want to convert a PDF file containing tabular data to TSV format:

So, in summary, TSV unlocks greater accessibility, usability, integration, and analysis of PDF data beyond document viewing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What table layouts can be converted?

Most common table structures, such as those with borders, merged cells, or even light styling/formulas, are accurately handled. However, complex multi-page or irregularly shaped tables may encounter some issues.

Can non-table data be excluded?

Yes! This tool allows you to select the specific tables intended from the PDF pages for conversion. Nearby text, images, or other artifacts will be ignored to isolate only raw tabular data.

What format is the resulting TSV?

The generated TSV file will contain the table elements separated by tabs, with each column entry on its line for easy readability and use in other apps.

What programs support TSV files?

Being pure text, TSV is the most straightforward yet flexible format for exchanging data between various tools. Typical uses include loading into spreadsheets, databases, statistical/analytics software, presentation builders, and more.


This conversion tool empowers users to use PDF data outside traditional document viewing. PDF and TSV have strengths for specific uses, but transforming between the formats allows for fully leveraging both.

The output ensures tables are delivered in an organized, text-readable structure while maintaining proper column formatting. Any PDF tables enclosed in this tool can be freed for advanced analysis or integration into other programs with just a few clicks.

It provides seamless pivoting between file variants for optimized information handling requirements.

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